Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nvidia patches 29 GPU driver bugs that could lead to code execution, device takeover

Nvidia fixed more than two dozen security flaws in its GPU display driver, the most severe of which could allow an unprivileged user to modify files, and then escalate privileges, execute code, tamper with or steal data, or even take over your device.

In total, the chipmaker patched 29 vulnerabilities affecting Windows and Linux products, including 10 high-severity bugs.

Nvidia doesn’t publish a ton of technical information about the flaws to ensure that customers can patch their systems before miscreants find exploit these vulnerabilities — hopefully – but here’s what we do know about the security issues.

The most severe of the bunch, tracked as CVE-2022-34669, affects the Windows version of the GPU display driver and received a CVSS score of 8.8. 

According to Nvidia, this vulnerability could allow “an unprivileged regular user [to] access or modify system files or other files that are critical to the application.” Successful exploitation could lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure or data tampering, the advisory noted.

Another high-severity flaw (CVE-2022-34671) that also affects the Windows product and received an 8.5 CVSS rating exists in the GPU display driver user mode layer. This one could allow an unprivileged user to cause an out-of-bounds write, also leading to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure or data tampering, according to Nvidia.

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