Thursday, April 25, 2024



Privilege Escalation Techniques & Resources

Welcome to the Privilege Escalation Resources guide! This comprehensive compilation aims to provide you with essential information and tools to understand and address privilege...

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Privilege Escalation Techniques & Resources

Welcome to the Privilege Escalation Resources guide! This comprehensive compilation aims... CMS Concerns: A Tale of Neglect and Unresponsiveness

In the world of cybersecurity, the safeguarding of sensitive data and...

Mastering Google Dorking: Expanding Scope, Reconnaissance and Resources

Google Dorking is a powerful technique that enables individuals to leverage...

Secrets To Recon (Reconnaissance) – A Bug Hunter’s Guide

Hello, readers! Welcome back to our CyberSecurity Academy. Today, we'll be...

PHP vs Ruby vs Python vs Go: Comparing Popular Programming Languages for Web Development

There are numerous programming languages to select from when creating web...

How Hackers are Utilizing ChatGPT & AI To Earn $Millions

Hackers are utilizing artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, and other advanced technologies...

Evolution of The World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW) has arguanble gone through mind-blowing ammounts...

Hacking Campaign Steals 10,000 Login Credentials From 130 Different Organizations

A phishing campaign targeted Okta users at multiple companies, successfully swiping...

Google mitigates largest DDoS Attack in History – Peaked at 46 Million RPS

Disclosed this week, was the 3rd HTTPS attack this year to get to...