Saturday, July 27, 2024

Twitter discontinues text message two-factor authentication for non-Blue subscribers

In a controversioal move, twitter has recently announced that it is discontinuing the use of text message two-factor authentication for all users, except for those who subscribe to Twitter Blue. This means that users who have relied on SMS-based two-factor authentication to protect their accounts will now need to switch to an authentication app in order to continue accessing their Twitter accounts.

The decision to remove text message two-factor authentication has been made with the aim of improving the overall security of the platform, as SMS-based authentication is considered to be less secure than other methods such as authentication apps or security keys.

Twitter has urged users who currently have text message two-factor authentication enabled to remove it by March 19, 2023, or risk losing access to their accounts. However, the company has assured users that the process of switching to an authentication app is a simple and quick one.

It is important to note that users will still be able to use other two-factor authentication methods, such as authentication apps or security keys, to protect their Twitter accounts. The removal of text message two-factor authentication does not affect these methods.

What is more Secure Text message 2fa or Application 2FA

When it comes to security, authentication apps are generally considered to be more secure than text message two-factor authentication. This is because text messages can be intercepted or redirected, leaving accounts vulnerable to unauthorized access. In contrast, authentication apps use a time-based code that is generated locally on the user’s device, making it more difficult for malicious actors to intercept or gain access to the code. As a result, Twitter’s decision to discontinue text message two-factor authentication in favor of authentication apps is a positive step towards improving the overall security of the platform.

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While some Twitter users have expressed concern about the added expense of subscribing to Twitter Blue in order to retain access to text message two-factor authentication, it is important to note that authentication apps are typically free and widely available on both iOS and Android devices.

According to a blog post by twitter:
“While historically a popular form of 2FA, unfortunately we have seen phone-number based 2FA be used – and abused – by bad actors. So starting today, we will no longer allow accounts to enroll in the text message/SMS method of 2FA unless they are Twitter Blue subscribers. The availability of text message 2FA for Twitter Blue may vary by country and carrier.”


Twitter’s decision to remove text message two-factor authentication is a positive step towards improving the security of the platform. Users who have relied on this method of authentication are strongly advised to switch to an authentication app in order to avoid losing access to their accounts. By doing so, they can rest assured that their accounts are protected by a more secure and reliable method of authentication.

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